Many Canadian bridges have reached the end of their
serviceable lives (50 to 80 years) and many more are approaching the same
condition. In addition, the cost of bridge maintenance has been rising over the
years and deficient bridges are becoming more prevalent. TAC’s Guide to Bridge
Management provides tools and strategies for professionals to identify
conditions and deficiencies, to assess needs and to evaluate costs, such that
appropriate investments are made in the areas of greatest need. The Guide may also
be a valuable reference tool for owners and consultants, providing assistance
in the judgment of engineering services for bridge management, on the basis of
a common terminology and attributes.
The Guide provides a description of existing bridge
management functions and the most effective practices and activities that could
be implemented. Chapter topics cover:
bridge management overview (for senior managers)
bridge anatomy and components• bridge
management, operations and maintenance (for
bridge inspection
The Guide will be of use to both municipalities and
provinces/territories, to assist in the development of reasonable management
practices for bridge infrastructure. It is designed so that it can be applied
to unique bridge structures or elements, or an overall network of bridges.
For those with a bridge management best practice in place,
this Guide will provide a wealth of additional information. For those without
such a system and looking to establish one, this Guide will prove very helpful
in needs determination.