This guide discusses issues relating to current practices in
Canada, and summarizes the available resources, research and design guidance
accepted by major North American agencies and jurisdictions. The guide was
developed to synthesize and help unify the Canadian bridge barrier design
Divided into eight chapters, the publication specifically
focuses on barrier performance levels, conceptual design guidance for new
traffic barriers, combination barriers and multi-modal protection, bridge
barrier end treatments, as well as evaluation and upgrade of existing systems.
This publication is intended to serve as a comprehensive
summary rather than a design specification guide. No crash testing was
conducted during the project and all findings noted in the guide are based
solely on literature review and interviews with expert researchers and
representatives of major Canadian jurisdictions.
The content of the publication is consistent with the
requirements of the Canadian Highway Bridge Design Code, which is the principal
design code specification for bridge barriers in Canada.
Disponible en français : Guide des glissières de sécurité et
des glissières combinées pour les ponts (2010)